What is the BioEthics Committee?
Making decisions about you or your loved one’s care can sometimes be stressful. When there are choices about what to do, ethical questions related to values and personal beliefs can arise. The Summit Healthcare Association BioEthics Committee offers support to patients, families, healthcare professionals, or other involved parties when difficult or confusing ethical issues happen in the course of patient care.
Who are we?
The Summit Healthcare Association BioEthics Committee is made up of community members and staff from various clinical and administrative departments. The committee can be requested to help guide discussion among patients, families, and healthcare professionals when faced with concerns or conflicts over patient care decisions. BioEthics consults can help everyone come to an agreement on care and treatment options. All conversations are held in the strictest confidence.
How to reach us
To request a appointment with the BioEthics Committee speak to your nurse, doctor, or contact the Social Services Department at 928-537-6364. From a patient room dial 6364. You may also contact the Administrative Shift Coordinator at 928-537-6868. From a patient room dial 6868.