But the rotator cuff is prone to wear and tear with years of use. It is also susceptible to acute injury. A rotator cuff tear results in pain, limits shoulder mobility, and sends over two million Americans to the doctor yearly in search of help. A torn rotator cuff weakens the shoulder and impinges on everything from serving a throwing a ball to reaching up into a cabinet.
At Summit Healthcare Orthopedics, Dr. Brimhall has extensive experience diagnosing, treating, and, if necessary, surgically repairing rotator cuff tears.
What is a rotator cuff tear?
Of the four muscles and tendons that connect the humerus to the scapula, the supraspinatus is the most susceptible to injury, as it attaches the top of the humerus to the scapula and receives heavy stress. When one the rotator cuff tendons are torn the tendon no longer completely attaches to the head of the humerus.
These rotator cuff injuries are graded as to severity:
- Grade 1 — This stretches the fibers without a physical tear. A strain.
- Grade 2 — This is a partial tear, but the tendon is not completely severed.
- Grade 3 — This is a full-thickness tear that creates a hole through the tendon, splitting the soft tissue into two pieces.
Causes of a Rotator Cuff Tear
While we see patients at Summit Healthcare Orthopedics who have had an acute rotator cuff tear as a part of a shoulder dislocation or maybe after putting their arm out to break a fall, these tears are more typically the result of years and years of use and progressive degeneration. Here are typical causes of rotator cuff tears:
Symptoms of a Rotator Cuff Tear
Acute tears are intensely painful and can be accompanied by a snapping sensation if the tendon has fully ruptured.
How will I know if I need rotator cuff surgery?
These decisions aren’t always cut and dried. Sure, if you have a full tear after a dislocation, you’ll need surgery immediately. There is also some misconception after these injuries. A grade 1 strain of a tendon can heal itself, but a tear of a rotator cuff tendon will not heal. People who don’t want to have surgery may find ways of working around their injury. Steroid injections can eliminate the pain, but the problem with all non-surgical options is that the shoulder will not strengthen again. It’s easy to turn a minor tear into a major tear by continuing to use the shoulder.
If you’ve tried some conservative measures, such as rest and maybe steroid injections, but they don’t seem to be having an effect and you’re dealing with pain when sleeping and doing routine, mundane tasks, it could be time to consider surgery with Dr. Brimhall at Summit Healthcare Orthopedic Center. Or, if your livelihood is at stake — if you’re a carpenter, for instance — you’ll need surgery to rebuild the strength you need in your shoulder.
These would be situations where surgery would be the best option:
- You have a large tear (over 3 mm)
- Your tear was caused by an acute injury
- You have a significant amount of weakness
- You have lost function in areas where you cannot tolerate it
- You have had significant pain for over six months
What happens if I don’t have surgery for a torn rotator cuff?
No one looks forward to surgery. As mentioned above, some people incorrectly assume that a torn rotator cuff can heal itself. This is not the case. Yes, you can avoid using the shoulder in the same way. For instance, you could give up tennis. But we use our shoulders so much more than to just serve a ball. Anything from grabbing a glass from an overhead shelf to paddling a canoe to waxing a car — the shoulder comes into play in just anything we do that involves the upper torso. Not addressing the problems with your rotator cuff will simply limit your lifestyle.
Surgical Options for a Torn Rotator Cuff Repair
Dr. Brimhall typically looks at three possible surgical techniques for rotator cuff repairs.
Recovery After Rotator Cuff Surgery
With the open method, you’ll likely spend at least one night in the hospital.
Once home, there are no shortcuts here if you want a successful end result. Your dedication to rehabilitation will directly impact your return of motion and function in your repaired shoulder. Your rehabilitation will involve three steps:
Full recovery can take up to one year, with adequate strength and function coming somewhere between 4 to 6 months after surgery. It is important not to rush things with your recovery.
How will the pain be after rotator cuff surgery?
Most patients who have this surgery say it takes about nine months before your shoulder feels completely normal. With this kind of timeframe, you can expect some pain and soreness for several months after your surgery. Everyone heals at a different rate, and some tears simply need more time to heal. To try and eliminate as much stiffness as possible, we recommend patients focus on regaining motion in their fingers, wrist, elbow, and shoulder for the first three months in physical therapy.
Risks of Rotator Cuff Surgery
These are generally very successful procedures, but a small percentage of patients can experience possible complications beyond those that are a part of any surgery. They may include: