
How to Tell if You Have Sleep Apnea

By henley.tabal | June 15, 2023

Sleep apnea is a medical condition that affects over 200,000 people every year in the United States alone. Sleep apnea is broken down into obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea. Central sleep apnea is far more rare and is caused by the brain not properly sending signals to your muscles. Obstructive sleep apnea is […]

Common Reasons People Tear Their Rotator Cuff

By | May 31, 2023
rotator cuff

The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that work together to provide stability and strength in the shoulder joint. Unfortunately, tears or damage to these muscles and tendons can occur due to various factors. In this blog post, we will discuss the top ways people tear their rotator cuff. Trauma  One of […]

3 Signs You May Need Hip Replacement Surgery

By | May 15, 2023
hip replacement surgery

Hip replacement surgery is a major medical procedure that people tend to run into later on in their life. It can relieve chronic pain and help improve one’s quality of life. While the decision to have such surgery is ultimately up to you and your doctor, there are some indicators that it may be time […]

Finding Options for Celiac Disease

By henley.tabal | April 30, 2023

It can be easy to take having a regular diet for granted. Not having to read the ingredient list of everything you eat and not needing to modify your diet is an unknown luxury for most people. For other people, eating the wrong foods can have significant consequences. Those who deal with celiac disease understand […]

Keeping Your Pacemaker Strong

By henley.tabal | April 15, 2023

Monitoring your heart health plays a critical role in your overall wellness. Eating a healthy diet, exercising, and effectively managing stress are all critical components of caring for your heart. However, some people still have heart issues despite their best efforts. One method of helping those with heart issues is inserting a pacemaker to regulate […]

Tackling Chronic Sinus Infections

By henley.tabal | March 30, 2023

Sinus infections can bring your everyday routine to a screeching halt. The discomfort, congestion, and interrupted sleep can wreak havoc on your daily life. Experiencing chronic sinus infections can be debilitating, and not knowing the cause can add to the frustration. The professionals of Summit Healthcare Regional Medical Center can provide you with the answers […]

Am I a Candidate for Hyperbaric Therapy?

By henley.tabal | March 15, 2023

If you’ve sustained a unique injury, there are many strategies to help get you back on track. One of the newer and more innovative wound care methods is hyperbaric treatment. You aren’t alone if hyperbaric wound care sounds like something from a famous science fiction novel. Hyperbaric wound care is a groundbreaking treatment that breaks […]

Getting Better Sleep With Summit Health

By nicole | February 28, 2023

Many people suffer from inadequate sleep. Not getting enough rest at night can be disruptive to your daily routine. Grogginess, fatigue, and irritability are just a few of the effects that not sleeping can have on you. Here at Summit Health Care Regional Medical center, we can provide you with quality resources to help you […]

Loving Yourself With Your Annual Breast Cancer Screening

By henley.tabal | February 14, 2023

Although we know much more about breast cancer than in decades past, it continues to be a significant health crisis. Many studies show that annual screenings play a vital role in the early detection of breast cancer and can also help improve your long-term prognosis in some cases. Some people avoid getting annual screenings for […]

Treating Pediatric Flat Feet

By summithealthcare | January 30, 2023

Our feet play a pivotal role in our daily lives. They allow us to run and walk and help support our body weight. Monitoring proper foot development is essential for children to make sure that their bodies develop properly. Many children have flat feet, and it can have a lasting effect on the structural integrity […]

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