
Saving Lives, One Cervical Cancer Test at a Time

By True North Custom | January 4, 2017
cervical cancer

CERVICAL CANCER, WHICH is almost always caused by high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV), is one of the most preventable—and treatable—cancers. Most women’s immune systems are able to fight off the HPV infection before cancer can form. However, for those who do develop cancer, the majority of cervical cancers start with precancerous, or abnormal, changes to the cervix, […]

A Winter Worry Land

By True North Custom | January 4, 2017
winter safety

WINTER HEALTH WORRIES? Summit Healthcare can help you stay safe. When you’re surrounded by electric heaters, heated blankets, and all-wheel drive vehicles, it may seem like we’ve conquered hazardous winter conditions. Not so fast. In just a span of four years, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 6,600 U.S. residents died from […]

What is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease?

By KevinAdmin | December 4, 2016
2016 Summit COPD

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is the third leading cause of death in the United States. The chronic inflammatory lung disease causes airflow from the lungs to become obstructed and symptoms vary from shortness of breath, coughing and decline in activity level. November is National COPD Awareness Month. While this is a time to bring […]

Protect Your Skin From Diabetes-Related Complications

By True North Custom | December 1, 2016
skin check

WHEN BLOOD GLUCOSE levels rise too high, the immune system has a harder time fighting infections. That’s why people with diabetes are more likely to develop skin infections following surgery or a minor injury. Non-healing wounds can develop anywhere on the body, but people with diabetes most commonly notice them on their feet. Why? Diabetes can […]

Managing Diabetes Today and in the Future

By True North Custom | December 1, 2016

SELF-MANAGEMENT SKILLS are essential to staying well and slowing the progress of diabetes. Newly Diagnosed with Diabetes Learn all you can. Diabetes is a life-long diagnosis for most people. Manage your emotions. Being diagnosed can trigger feelings of guilt, stress, or panic. Build a support system. Your doctors, loved ones, and counselors can help. Make gradual […]

The month of November is raising awareness for a growing public health crisis – Diabetes!

By DigitalWire360 | November 16, 2016
2016 Summit Diabetes

Every 23 seconds someone in the U.S. is diagnosed with diabetes. More than 29 million adults have diabetes and 25 percent don’t even know it. Eighty-six million Americans are at risk for diabetes. While these numbers are alarming, several health organizations are working hard to reverse this epidemic. One of those groups is Summit Healthcare. […]

Organ Donation and Transplantation: How Does it Work?

By DigitalWire360 | November 16, 2016

Winter Safety: Is Your Car Ready for Anything?

By True North Custom | November 2, 2016
Winter safety Nov

MAKE SURE YOUR car is ready to handle icy conditions. Driving in less than ideal weather can be tricky. Be sure to reduce your speed when you are behind the wheel. Think first about your safety, then consider what you’ll need if you find yourself stranded. Emergency must-haves include: *Winter Boots Even if you don’t wear […]

What to Expect in Physical Therapy

By True North Custom | November 2, 2016
PT Nov

DO YOU KNOW what happens during physical therapy? Physical therapists perform hands-on manipulation of your joints and muscles and teach exercises to help alleviate pain and restore natural movement. They treat people of all ages who have limited ability to perform important activities in their daily lives. While each case is unique, these three fictional case […]

Life After Breast Cancer – One Survivor’s Story

By KevinAdmin | October 31, 2016
2016 Summit BC Survivor

In honor of breast cancer awareness month, Summit Healthcare wanted to share one survivor’s story. Ann Foster was an oncology nurse at the hospital when she got diagnosed with breast cancer back in 2013 after her yearly mammogram screening. A life-changing event Foster wants to share with others going through the same thing. “As an […]

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