
How to Lose Weight and Keep Your New Year’s Resolution

By True North Custom | February 28, 2019
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In January, you resolved to slim down. Are you still as committed to your goal as you were then? If not, don’t worry. There’s still time to set yourself up for success.    Need help meeting your weight-loss goals? Call Becky Moffat, R.D., CDE, Summit Healthcare outpatient dietitian, at 928.537.6984 or email

Avoiding and Treating Skin Cancer

By wpengine | February 15, 2019
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It’s important to take care of our skin and prevent skin cancer at all times. Even in the winter, dangerous UV rays can cause skin damage that may lead to skin cancer later on. Wearing sunscreen and other protection can help you prevent dangerous cancer from forming. Keep reading to learn about skin cancer and […]

Heart Health, Simplified

By True North Custom | January 31, 2019
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Your heart health depends on everything from your age to family history to what you eat. Managing these varied risk factors may seem overwhelming, but it’s actually much easier than you think. “WHEN IT COMES to family history, you can’t disown your genes,” says George Y. Paik, M.D., FACC, general and interventional cardiologist at Summit Healthcare. […]

The Benefits of Early Joint Replacement

By True North Custom | January 31, 2019
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Getting a total joint replacement at a younger age can help you stay active and enjoy a better quality of life. YOU MAY BELIEVE that total joint replacement is something you shouldn’t think about until you are 60 or 70 years old. However, having the procedure in your 40s or 50s might give you more […]

Radiation: Treating Cancer

By wpengine | January 30, 2019
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When you hear that you have cancer, you may have a little out-of-body experience. It’s hard to hear that word, and we completely understand that you may react out of anger, fear, or sadness. But, after we react, it’s important to understand your options and take back control. When it comes to cancer treatment, chemotherapy […]

Your Monthly Self-Check for Breast Cancer

By summithealthcare | January 15, 2019
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Though you may be getting your regular mammograms as you should, did you know that you should still be performing monthly breast exams? Doctors recommend that you check yourself for lumps or other irregularities once a month, partly so you know what “normal” is for you (some of us have lumpy breasts, go figure). Checking […]

Overcoming Breast Cancer: One Woman’s Story

By True North Custom | December 31, 2018
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When she was diagnosed with breast cancer, Patti Bird found the solutions she needed at Summit Healthcare. PATTI WAS INSTALLING a windshield in a car with her fiancé, Brad Anderson, when she first felt pain. “I was climbing on a trunk and hit my chest, which really hurt,” Patti says. “I thought that maybe I […]

Treating Skin Cancer

By summithealthcare | December 30, 2018

Even though we’re in the darkest time of the year, it’s still important to practice skin safety when you’re outside. The sun can cause signs of premature aging and, unfortunately, skin cancer as well. If you spend a lot of time outside, then it’s important to have regular skin checks to make sure you don’t […]

Is Birth Control Linked to Breast Cancer?

By summithealthcare | December 15, 2018

If you’re like us, you’re very careful about what goes into your body. Our health is so much more than sleeping well, exercising, and eating well. While exercising can keep us feeling fit even when we get old, there’s so much more to overall health. When it comes to medications, for example, many of us […]

Smoking Contributes to Bad Cholesterol

By summithealthcare | November 30, 2018

Back in the “good old days,” things were acceptable that we wouldn’t even dream of now. You could smoke in restaurants, on airplanes, and pretty much anywhere else. It seems crazy by today’s standards, but that’s how it was. By now, it’s pretty common knowledge that smoking damages our bodies in a myriad of ways. […]

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