Healthcare Services

Radiation: Treating Cancer

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When you hear that you have cancer, you may have a little out-of-body experience. It’s hard to hear that word, and we completely understand that you may react out of anger, fear, or sadness. But, after we react, it’s important to understand your options and take back control. When it comes to cancer treatment, chemotherapy

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Overcoming Breast Cancer: One Woman’s Story

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When she was diagnosed with breast cancer, Patti Bird found the solutions she needed at Summit Healthcare. PATTI WAS INSTALLING a windshield in a car with her fiancé, Brad Anderson, when she first felt pain. “I was climbing on a trunk and hit my chest, which really hurt,” Patti says. “I thought that maybe I

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Time for Your Flu Shot!

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Summit Healthcare’s primary care providers want to make sure residents of the White Mountain Community are ready for the 2018–2019 flu season. “GETTING IMMUNIZED CAN help protect you from the flu, but it does more than that,” says William Thomack, Director of Occupational Health at Summit Healthcare. “This vaccine safeguards your coworkers, family, and friends

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What Is Post Nasal Drip?

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Spring allergies get all the attention, but fall allergies can be just as troublesome for some of us. Hayfever is here to help you sneeze, sniffle, and even cough your way through another week. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Keep reading to learn more about allergies and post-nasal drip. What is it?

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4 Heart Disease Risk Factors You Can’t Change

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Knowing what puts you at risk empowers you to make the right decisions about your heart health. EVERY 40 SECONDS, someone in America has a heart attack, which can result from heart disease. It’s easy to believe you won’t become a statistic if you exercise every day, eat a well-balanced diet, and don’t smoke, but

4 Heart Disease Risk Factors You Can’t Change Read More »

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