What You Should Know Before Getting a Hip Replacement

injured man suffering from pelvic pain or hip joint injury

Reports from the American College of Rheumatology show that approximately 450,000 hip replacement surgeries are performed each year in the United States. This extremely common surgery has a high success rate, providing relief to patients who suffer from arthritic hip pain and other conditions. If you are thinking about getting hip surgery yourself, there are a few things you should know.

What You Should Know Before Getting a Hip Replacement

You Will Be Up and Walking Quickly

The recovery process after hip replacement surgery is not always easy. However, it is important to know that you will be back on your feet very quickly after surgery. Although you will not typically want to engage in vigorous activities immediately after surgery, you will want to put weight on your hip as soon as possible. Starting physiotherapy right after surgery can help speed up your recovery and provide you with the best possible results from surgery.

Recovery Can Take Some Time

Although you want to get back on your feet quickly after surgery, you must also remember that your recovery will take some time. Some individuals feel great only a few weeks after surgery, while others may take a few months. Each recovery is truly unique. As such, it is important to remember that it can take up to two years to feel all of the benefits of surgery.

Exercise Is Vital

Exercising after surgery can help to improve your new hip function and aid in recovery. It is important to stay active and implement light exercise, such as walking, into your new routine. High-impact activities are not typically recommended. It is best to follow your doctor’s recommendations and try not to overdo it.

Keeping these tips in mind can help improve your recovery process, so you achieve the best results possible. It is important to contact a skilled surgeon at Summit Healthcare Regional Medical Center to get started on your hip replacement process and get the relief you need.

Schedule an Appointment in Show Low, AZ Today

Summit Healthcare Regional Medical Center is committed to providing top-quality services to individuals across Show Low, AZ. Our team has extensive experience and the knowledge needed to ensure you receive the best possible care throughout every step of your hip replacement process. To discuss whether this is the right surgery to help you, contact our team today at 928-537-6829 to schedule an appointment.

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