Preventive Screenings Are the Best Medicine

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Preventive Screenings Are The Best MedicineHow’s your health? A preventive screening may make it easier to answer that question.

Health screenings give you a sneak peek into your well-being, letting you know when adjustments need to be made or when you’re doing a good job of taking care of yourself. Most health insurance plans cover routine preventive care at little or no cost, making it easier to stay on top of your health.

Many health problems do not show symptoms until they are very advanced and much harder to treat. Preventing screenings look for problems before symptoms develop. That’s why a screening test may be the difference between learning how to make small lifestyle changes to improve your health and starting a long-term medication for a chronic medical condition. Your doctor can help you decide when it’s time to be screened and what to do with your results.


Get a head start on this year’s screenings at the Regional Medical Center Community Health and Wellness Fair sponsored by Summit Healthcare. This free event is June 11, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Show Low Lake Road parking lot.

Attendees can receive no-cost preventive screenings for blood pressure, blood sugar, A1C, cholesterol, hearing, vision, skin cancer, and more. This is a family event with educational booths and learning opportunities that will appeal to all ages.

To learn more about the Community Health and Wellness Fair sponsored by Summit Healthcare, call 928.537.6329.
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