Major Signs That You May Need Shoulder Surgery

shoulder surgery
As your body’s most flexible joint, your shoulder is also the most complex joint. And you already know just how important properly and painless functioning shoulders are to your daily routines and workload. Shoulder troubles of all sorts can not only make your day-to-day life a struggle, but they can also make certain tasks downright impossible. Thankfully, today’s modern world has gifted us the luxury of effective shoulder surgery to correct a variety of shoulder problems.

Some shoulder issues that may warrant the need for shoulder surgery include, but aren’t limited to:

Arthritis of the Shoulder

Arthritis is a common joint issue that 24% of all adults in the United States live with and is one of the leading causes of work disability. The joint inflammation caused by arthritis can affect most joints in your body, including the shoulder. So, as you can imagine, shoulder surgery is widely sought after to relieve the symptoms of arthritis.

Shoulder Instability or Limited Movement

In some cases, conditions such as “frozen shoulder” can inhibit your shoulders’ movement and cause pain due to an excessive tightening and thickening of the shoulder capsule. Though these symptoms may begin to fade over time, shoulder surgery is oftentimes the preferred method to ensure quick relief.

Bone Spurs

Bones spurs in the shoulder, also known as osteophytes, often follow untreated damage caused by certain forms of arthritis. These spurs can damage your bones and the surrounding muscles and tendons in your shoulder. And though bone spurs do not always create issues, shoulder surgery is often a necessity when they do.


Another inflammation issue akin to arthritis is tendinitis, which inflames the tendons that interconnect through your shoulder. As you can imagine, this inflammation can cause considerable pain and immobility when attempting to move your shoulder.

Your Go-To Shoulder Surgery in Arizona

Whether you’re dealing with a fractured shoulder or one of the subtler shoulder injuries mentioned above, you’ll need a doctor that can handle your shoulder surgery effectively the first time around. With convenient locations through the greater Show Low, AZ, area, a doctor at Summit Healthcare will be there to help with whatever shoulder ailment you may have. So, give a member of the Summit Healthcare team a call today at 928-537-6829.

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