Make sure your children are getting enough sleep with these wellness tips from Summit Healthcare pediatricians.
“Sleep is critical for healthy development of a child, and a consistent schedule is important for parents as well,” says Daniel Brewer, D.O., pediatrician with Summit Healthcare Medical Center. “Anyone who has kids or who has been around kids knows what it’s like to manage the sheer emotion of a two-year-old who has missed a naptime.”
The need for quality sleep continues throughout childhood and adolescence. Without enough rest, your child may be at increased risk for high blood pressure or obesity and could experience academic, behavioral, and emotional challenges.
To help your kids feel and act their best, follow these National Sleep Foundation guidelines for daily amounts of sleep, including naps:
“Establish a regular routine that will help with natural sleep cycles,” says Andrew L. Jones, M.D., pediatrician with Summit Healthcare. “This may include brushing teeth, then reading stories or singing songs. You should also keep screens—including smartphones, tablets, and televisions—out of the bedroom.”
Meet Our Pediatricians
Dr. Brewer knew he wanted to be a doctor early in life.
“I have always been fascinated by the human body and helping others,” Dr. Brewer says. “I remember, as a kid, looking at my hand and being in awe that I could move it without thinking. Today, I have studied the body down to the atomic level and continue to marvel at the sheer majesty of it all.”
Dr. Brewer is a graduate of A.T. Still University School of Osteopathic Medicine in Mesa, Arizona, where he was raised. When he’s not working, Dr. Brewer enjoys fishing, hiking, woodworking, and spending time with his wife and four children.
Dr. Jones was called to practice medicine when a young cousin endured injuries in a horseback riding accident.
“I made it to his location faster than the paramedics, but I realized when I got there that I did not know how to help,” Dr. Jones says. “Since that time, I have loved learning more about the human body and the miracle that it is. I especially love to take care of children and watch them grow into amazing adults.”
Dr. Jones attended the University of Utah Medical School and completed his pediatric residency training at the University of Michigan, C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital. During his free time, Dr. Jones enjoys camping, hiking, snowshoeing, and spending time with his wife and four children.