Protect Yourself from Stroke

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Protect Yourself from StrokeYOUR MIND CAN add and subtract, remember a grandchild’s face, or guide your arms and legs in a line dance. Even a few minutes of blood loss to the brain due to stroke whittles away at those gifts.

Every year, more than 140,000 people in the U.S. die from a stroke. The good news? Those numbers are falling. As more of us know the signs of stroke, we are able to take action faster to help each other survive. Through education, high-tech stroke networking, and excellent clinical care, Summit Healthcare is playing a part in that success.

This May—Stroke Awareness Month—celebrate your mind by learning how to keep your brain healthy through diet and other lifestyle changes.


The acronym F.A.S.T. is a great way to remember stroke signs.

Face. Is the person’s face drooping on one side?

Arms. Does one arm drift down when both are held straight out in front?

Speech. Are words slurred or confused?

Time is of the essence. Call 911 immediately if you suspect someone is having a stroke.

After you learn these signs, there’s a lot more you can do to become more stroke aware.

Have the screenings your doctor recommends to help you understand your stroke risks. These may include weight, blood pressure, and calcium scoring.

Reduce your risk. Some risks you can’t change, but there are plenty you can. Stop smoking, limit salt in your diet, lose weight and take time to meditate and reduce your stress.

Inform others. Is there anyone in your life who needs to know more about stroke? Cut out this article and share it with them!


Attend our stroke screening on May 13 from 8 a.m. to noon in Summit Healthcare Conference Room 4. Screenings check blood pressure and body mass index. They may include an ultrasound scan of carotid arteries, cholesterol and glucose screenings, ultrasound scan for abdominal aortic aneurysms, and an electrocardiogram. For more information, call 928.537.6395.


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