How Does Hyperbaric Therapy Work?
While its name may sound complicated, hyperbaric treatments are relatively simple therapies. Hyperbaric treatments aim to address wounds or ailments that are unresponsive to traditional medical treatments. It works as an outpatient program that carefully administers highly pressurized oxygen to the body. Increasing oxygen exposure forces the body to increase its blood oxygen content in response, which can aid in healing.
Is Hyperbaric Therapy Healthy and Safe?
Many hyperbaric therapies use oxygen as a healing agent to effectively deal with stubborn wounds. Some people may be nervous about being exposed to high levels of oxygen. Hyperbaric therapy is a safe procedure because it takes advantage of the fact that oxygen is one of the essential components necessary for human life, making it an ideal healing agent. Many studies demonstrate the correlation between increased oxygen levels and more efficient healing in the body. When the blood contains more oxygen, it can help your body heal faster from wounds and reduce swelling around injured areas. Also, higher oxygen levels can help your body produce new blood vessels, which can allow your body to process more oxygen and improve your blood flow, which, in turn, can help fight infections.
If you’re struggling with wounds that don’t seem to heal, our office can provide groundbreaking treatments that can help restore your quality of life. To learn more about Hyperbaric wound care and if it may be right for you, please reach out to us. Contact our Show Low office by calling us today at 928-568-5009.