
Happiness Doesn’t Have To Feel Beyond Your Grasp

By henley.tabal | February 28, 2022

The events of the past two years have left a lot of people feeling devoid of the joys of life. The holiday season of 2021 brought momentary glimpses of cheer for some, but was followed by another surge of a different strain of the novel coronavirus. If you’re feeling as though happiness seems to be […]

Are You Unknowingly at Risk for Heart Disease?

By henley.tabal | February 15, 2022

Heart health is an important topic but not one that many people discuss with friends and family. At least not until it becomes necessary. Our motto is that prevention is the best medicine; and where does prevention start but with awareness? When it comes to heart disease, it is easy to fall into the mindset […]

What is POTS (and Why Should I Know)?

By nicole | January 30, 2022

Many people who have gotten COVID-19 have recovered, only to continue feeling off. Some of the symptoms that what we now refer to as long COVID include sudden lightheadedness when standing up and an unusually quick heartbeat. These are also symptoms of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, POTS. Here, we discuss what we currently know about […]

Menopause and Memory

By nicole | January 15, 2022

It has been estimated that, by 2050, nearly 14 million Americans will have Alzheimer’s disease. Two-thirds of these cases are expected to be women. Attending to memory decline well before symptoms occur can help middle-aged and older adults procure a lengthy quality of life, but first, it is necessary to identify factors that may be […]

Palliative Care May Not Be What You Think

By henley.tabal | December 30, 2021

Hearing the words “palliative care,” a patient and their family may assume that their doctor is talking about end-of-life services. This misunderstanding has given a somber stigma to necessary care that can not only reduce symptoms of serious illness like cancer but can also improve a patient’s quality of life. Palliative care is a term […]

Is Happiness a Work-in-Progress? Keep Going!

By henley.tabal | December 15, 2021

Studies indicate that happy people are generally healthier with fewer instances of illness. If you don’t describe yourself as happy, consider yourself a work-in-progress. As you continue your work to become a happier, healthier you, keep in mind that “happy” doesn’t look the same on everyone. Generally, a happy person is adequately satisfied with the […]

Trends in Alcohol Consumption in Older Adults

By henley.tabal | November 30, 2021

Studies regarding alcohol use have revealed that, in general, consumption has increased among all adults of all age groups during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to one older study, though, we can see that alcohol use in the United States increased over 100% from 2001 to 2013. More recent surveys are indicating that use has trended […]

How Will We Fare This Flu Season?

By henley.tabal | November 15, 2021

Last year’s flu statistics were amazingly low, which was fortunate considering that many medical professionals and experts feared a “twindemic.” What may have led to the shift in numbers were the steps that were taken to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Last year was the first in history in which we spent our […]

Diverticulitis: An Age-Related Concern We Should Talk About

By nicole | October 30, 2021

Diverticulitis is a relatively common condition that affects approximately 58% of adults over the age of 60. It is a complication of diverticulosis, the condition of weakening in certain areas of the inner wall of the colon. This weakness allows the colon to bulge and for small pouches to form. Diverticulosis often occurs without symptoms. […]

Why You Should Talk to Your Doctor About Snoring

By nicole | October 15, 2021

It is estimated that about 90 million Americans have a bit of a snoring problem. Sometimes, snoring is something that we do only when we’re congested from a cold or temporary sinus issue. Many of those 90 million snorers out there may never experience adverse reactions to their snoring habit. According to studies, though, up […]

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