
Tackling Chronic Sinus Infections

By henley.tabal | March 30, 2023

Sinus infections can bring your everyday routine to a screeching halt. The discomfort, congestion, and interrupted sleep can wreak havoc on your daily life. Experiencing chronic sinus infections can be debilitating, and not knowing the cause can add to the frustration. The professionals of Summit Healthcare Regional Medical Center can provide you with the answers […]

Am I a Candidate for Hyperbaric Therapy?

By henley.tabal | March 15, 2023

If you’ve sustained a unique injury, there are many strategies to help get you back on track. One of the newer and more innovative wound care methods is hyperbaric treatment. You aren’t alone if hyperbaric wound care sounds like something from a famous science fiction novel. Hyperbaric wound care is a groundbreaking treatment that breaks […]

Getting Better Sleep With Summit Health

By nicole | February 28, 2023

Many people suffer from inadequate sleep. Not getting enough rest at night can be disruptive to your daily routine. Grogginess, fatigue, and irritability are just a few of the effects that not sleeping can have on you. Here at Summit Health Care Regional Medical center, we can provide you with quality resources to help you […]

Loving Yourself With Your Annual Breast Cancer Screening

By henley.tabal | February 14, 2023

Although we know much more about breast cancer than in decades past, it continues to be a significant health crisis. Many studies show that annual screenings play a vital role in the early detection of breast cancer and can also help improve your long-term prognosis in some cases. Some people avoid getting annual screenings for […]

Treating Pediatric Flat Feet

By summithealthcare | January 30, 2023

Our feet play a pivotal role in our daily lives. They allow us to run and walk and help support our body weight. Monitoring proper foot development is essential for children to make sure that their bodies develop properly. Many children have flat feet, and it can have a lasting effect on the structural integrity […]

When to Consider Home Health

By summithealthcare | January 15, 2023

We go through many adjustments as we age. Some of the physical and mental changes that our bodies and minds endure can make it necessary to get extra help to maintain our quality of life. Even though it can be difficult to accept some of the adjustments we must make, it’s inevitable. Having a helping […]

Caring For Seniors During the Holidays

By summithealthcare | December 30, 2022

The holiday season can be an exciting time for many people, and spending time with friends and family while bonding over delicious meals and festivities can be a joyous experience. For other people, such as senior citizens, the holiday season can be difficult for many reasons. Elderly loved ones can struggle through the holiday season […]

What a Sleep Study Can Teach You

By summithealthcare | December 15, 2022

Getting a good night’s sleep can seem like an elusive pipe dream to some people. The fatigue that follows restlessness can be enough to drive you crazy. Not knowing the cause behind poor sleep can add more frustration to a complicated situation. But a sleep study can help give you insight into what may contribute […]

Signs You May Need Shoulder Replacement Surgery

By nicole | November 30, 2022

When your shoulders hurt, it’s hard to get much done. Although we’re all prone to the occasional shoulder ache as we age, persistent shoulder pain could indicate that the problem runs deeper than everyday aches and pains. For some people, having a joint replacement procedure can be just what they need to get their quality […]

Guarding Your Waistline This Thanksgiving

By nicole | November 15, 2022

With Thanksgiving rapidly approaching, you may be planning how you’re going to prepare (and eat) your favorite dishes. But Thanksgiving is when those trying to control their weight must be especially careful. Although it may be tempting to over-indulge in tasty food, you can do yourself more harm than good and ruin any progress you’ve […]

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